Welcome to page 2 of one's personal website: Syfam.info

Sayyed aka "Abu Abbas" nickname of one's late dad gave to me Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Paternal (male/female bloodlines) Cousins PART A Photo 5 Maternal (female only bloodline) Cousins PART B Photo 6 Former Classroom Instruction Photo 7 Documenting MUN winnings of RAZI SCHOOL over 14 yrs of one's students Photo 8 Documenting MUN winnings of RAZI SCHOOL over 14 yrs of one's students Photo 9 Documenting MUN winnings of RAZI SCHOOL over 14 yrs of one's students Photo 10 TRAVELS TO THE MIDDLE EAST I Photo 11 TRAVELS TO THE MIDDLE EAST II Photo 12 COUSINS AND OTHER FAMILY RELATIVES I

One's Professions: Former Investigative Reporter & former Social Studies/Sociology Teacher of two High Schools & former Adjunct Professor of two Community Colleges (Christian Community College & a Moslem Community College)

----One is an American but one's heritage is rich in culture & achievements: According to one's DNA Test administered by African Canadian Dr David Blunt one is:
1. Exactly 12.5% Arab of Harb/Hashmin-(Y chromosome bloodline of Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah via Imam Jafar As-Sadeq & Imam Reza buried in Mashhad, Iran) tribes;
2. Precisely 75% Persian (including a Grandfather of Persian-Nubian heritage and "Sayyed" of Imam Rida aka Reza (AS); &
3. Concisely 12.5% Mongol of the bloodline of Chingghis Khaan tribe of Borjigin Mongol tribe via Y Chromosome from one's paternal great grandfather.
One thanks the genetic lab for its work and unlike many family members one takes one's heritage, one's ancestors, and one's educational achievements seriously as a reflection of one's race (ARAB-PERSIAN-MONGOL). One a key note, one is descended from Imam Reza who's skin color was like that of Nubians like Imam Mahdi (AS) on one's paternal side and on one's maternal side, one's tribe (HARB) is mixed with Nubians from the lower eastern section of Egypt which has Swallowed up NUBIA. However, one does not say this because there is no proof, DNA testing as one has done for the Arab-Persian-Mongol sides.

ETHNICITY: American of MENA (Arab Persian-Nubian)/Mongol mixed heritage.

Educator with travel experience (over 27 countries): taught students of various linguistic, cultural, racial, national, & religious backgrounds for 36 years and 8 months at various levels: Non-Secular Elementary School; Non-Secular High Schools in New York State; Non-Secular Southern Community College (SCC); & Erie County Community College (Ec3pa), Erie, PA among International Schools/College.
Expert Teacher:
(A) EDUCATION (B.A., C/da; M.Ed., USA; & Ph.D. candidate October 2024 (Soc. & Anth.), USA).
(B) COMPETITIVE (Weberian, Sociologically Speaking).
( C) CIVIC DUTY & RESPONSIBILITY (Supporter of Jeffersonian Democracy, Capitalism & Americanism).
( E) EXAM PREP (GCE British Exams, G 8 NY Social Studies & NY Regents Statewide Exams, & AP College board Exams-takes the fear & anxiety out of exams by preparing students).
(F) FORMER MUN ADVISOR (One’s former students won 83 Awards & One’s former school place of employment (Razi School) was placed No. 7 globally out of 143 Schools in MUN Competitions).
(G) MULTI-TASKED: Taught 10 & 7 classes 2007-15 & 2015-20 respectively, until pandemic.
(H) PROVEN LEADERSHIP (Dean of Studies at SCC); Dep’t Head, Razi Sch., NY; & lifetime Honorary United Nations Membership (UNA-CANADA) for promoting democratic principles, women's rights, & justice in the Middle East by Mr. Peter Alford & Mr. Jim Potts.

MOTIVATION: One’s students are professionals today (Doctors, UN Workers, Teachers, Administrators, Politicians) & one is deeply committed towards excellence in instruction.

VALUES: Raised with morals; integrity; kindness; & responsibility to one’s Community. Son of a Principal/Priest, great grandson of a Priest, great-great grandson of a Ph.D. Dr. & Priest.
Patriot American who believes in putting America First.


1. Atlantic International University (AIU) Ph. D. studies in Sociology. USA. started: 7/30/2021.  Thesis: Empirical Studies into three distinct North American Communities plus one: Arab-Persian-Nubian-Mongol North Americans (one’s personal communities of heritage). Current GPA 3.91

2.Grand Canyon University (GCU)-M.Ed. in Education (Major: Secondary Education G 7-12). USA. started: July 2nd 2007 GPA 3.97 Graduated.

3. University of Guelph (UOG)-B.A. Degree in Social Sciences (Double Majors: Political Science & Int. Dev.: Sociology/Economics), Canada. started Sept 1986 (3yrs degree in 2 yrs). GPA 2.65.

4. Sir Wilfrid Laurier H.S.-HS Honors Dip. (Includes Sociology, U.S. History), Canada. Yr. Ended: June 30, 1986. Graduated. GPA 3.5

- 13 Diplomas/Certificates-all “As” except 1 Spanish Diploma with a “B+.”


--Certificate-Dyslexia Awareness M. (VADOE). 9/22/2020; 

--Mental Health-first Aid Cert.-issued 6/30/2019-6/30/2022;  

--Cert. in Child Abuse and Neglect (ViADOE). 2013 & 2020;

--Smart Board (intermediate) Cert.  8/2019 (Smartboard);

--Bascom Cert. in enhanced student Achievem.11/23/2005; 

--Travel Dip. Travel Careers Ltd. N.Y.C. (GPA: 3.5) 2002.  A;

--Spanish Dip. Harcourt Learning Direct. 2001 Average B+;

--Teacher’s Aide Dip. Harcourt. (GPA: 4.0) 2000 Average A+;

--Real Estate Cert. All Nations Realty. 6/14/2000.  Average A+;

--Legal Assist. Dip. ICS. PA. (GPA: 4.0) 1998 Average   *A+;

--Teacher II Cert (qualified to Teach H.S., Carib.). 1996 * A+;

--Teacher III Cert (Teach Elementary Sch., Carib.) 1984. *A+;

--Teacher Cert. Serial # 33339. 1984 Ministry of Ed. (Valid in Carib./South Africa, Africa) Score A+.


Publications include:


---August 21st 2023-March 31st 2024. EC3PA. USA. TITLE: PROFESSOR OF SOCIOLOGY. 



---Sept./2004-August 2007.  AL IMAN SCHOOL. USA. TITLE: SOCIAL STUDIES INSTRUCTOR G 7-12 & 5-12. M.U.N. Advisor. 





Southerner Community College (Christian Private College), taught U.S. HIST. ECONOMICS, SOCIOLOGY & MANAGEMENT OF BUS.  

---1990-1991. AL ASR MAG..USA. TITLE: EDITOR


---1988-1989.DOM. COAL/BUILD. SUPP. LTD. C/da. TITLE: Admin. Clerk

---1985 (summer). BGWU.TITLE: Office Assist


PUBLICATIONS (at Linkedin/website) INCLUDE:

  • --Is Elite Rule necessary for the stability of societies 1987;
  • --A case for Bus passes at the UOG for students-worked with Conservative Student Gov’t/local Mayor of Guelph 1988;
  • ---Mercury Poisoning in the Ojibwa 1988 and so on... 


    • Full Proficiency: English language;
    • Spanish: Working proficiency;
    • Arabic: moderate and working proficiency;
    • French & Italian: moderate and working proficiency; and
    • Persian (Farsi) & German: Limited Proficiency.


    • -Honorary Lifetime Member of the UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATION OF CANADA (UNA-CANADA) granted by Mr. Jim Potts and Mr. Peter Alford. No expiry date.
    • -Member of UNA-USA (United Nations Association of the USA), USA, current as of April 5, 2022 to April 5, 2023.
    • Changed Political Parties from Republican Party to Libertarian Party due to the RNC being too much establishment, elite, and lack of contact with the interests of Americans.
    • -Member of AOMSIC (Association of Mongolian Students in CA), since 2021.
    • Member of ASA (American Sociological Association), since 6/2/2022.

BA degree, Master's Degree and Phd in Sociology transcripts not shown for security reasons.

Scientific recreation of Karakorum, the capital of the Mongol Empire shows two mosques so those who accuse one's ancestor of being "anti-Islam" or "Islamophobia" one thinks you have America in mind NOT the Mongol Empire. Evidence shows Chingghis Khaan tolerated all religions including his own Shamanism religion, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Hindusim, and others. 

Max Weber, in his Sociological analysis, identified two types of Prophets: ethical and exemplary (Ritzer, George., 2011, p. 247),

“Ethnical Prophets (Mohammad, Jesus Christ, and the Old Testament Prophets) believe that they received a commission directly from God and demand obedience from followers as an ethical duty. Exemplary prophets (Buddha is a model) demonstrate to others by personal example the way to religious salvation,” (Ritzer, George., 2011, pp. 247-248).

Judaism, also confirms the oneness of God just as Christianity does in the first of the 10 commandments in the King James version of the Holy Bible which says, “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me,” (James, K., 2002). [1] This commonality of the oneness of God is in all three monotheistic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In fact, for the jews, “There is only one God,” (Abbott, Jennifer. S., 2014, pp. 36), and that, “Everything in the universe was created by God and only by God,” (Abbott, Jennifer. S., 2014, pp. 36 citing Old Testament Yeshayahu 45: 6-7). Even the moslem faith of Islam confirms that, all Prophets were assigned a common message[2] (Ahmed, Shabbir., 2012, p. 8 (p.2)).

Christianity emanated from Judaism although many Jews do not agree with this

that Jesus was a Jew (Freedman, Benjamin., 2010; Klinghoffer, David., 2005) [3] and that is why the same hearth in the Middle East gave the world, yet another great monotheistic religion of Christianity, the same place where Judaism emanated as well (Fouberg, Erin. H., Murphy, Alexander. B., & De Blij, H.J., 2012, p. 217). Perhaps the most controversial of all the monotheistic religions is the Christian faith that claims to be monotheistic (belief in one God) yet, embodies a teaching of 3 gods: the Father in heaven, the Holy Spirit (is also considered a god), and Jesus the Prophet of God is also considered a god as well despite, Jesus himself warning the Israelites that,

“Hear, o Israel: The Lord our God is one God,” (James, K., 2002, Deuteronomy 6:4).

Born in Bethlehem, Jesus the Christ, or Jesus of Nazareth, is the founder of a religion named after him, Christianity (Fouberg, Erin. H., Murphy, Alexander. B., & De Blij, H.J., 2012, p. 217). As in any other religion, the first major split in the Christian faith came between the Roman Catholic Church (based in Italy today) and the Eastern Orthodox Church (once based in Kiev, Russia now the Church has split into so many Patriarchs it is difficult to keep track but for this essay one will recognize Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, Russia, whose secular name is Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyayev born in Leningrad, Russia in 1946) on July 16, 1054 C.E., referred to as the ‘Great Schism’ also known as the ‘East-West Schism’ (mospatusa., 2021; Fairchild, Mary., 2019).  

According to Robert H. Munson (Munson, Robert. H., 2015),

[1] See also http://www.kingjamesbibleverse.com/thetencommandments.php

[2] See http://drshabbir.com/library/a_history_of_prophets.pdf (Ahmed, Shabbir., 2012).

[3] See Benjamin Freedman Jesus was NOT a Jew cited from http://whale.to/c/jesus_was_not_a_jew1.html (Freedman, Benjamin., 2010) and David Klinghoffer’s Why Jews Don’t Accept Jesus cited from https://www.beliefnet.com/faiths/2005/03/why-jews-dont-accept-jesus.aspx (Klinghoffer, David., 2005). The argument is that a ‘Jew’ and a ‘Judean’ are not the same: one is a follower of the faith of Judaism; the latter lived in Northern Israel during biblical times. An Anthropologist avoids these semantics and differences of opinion because he/she is concerned with the facts and presenting that evidence to the people not getting involved in conflict, semantics, or disagreements of any kind. 

Below shows KARAKORUM as outline and recreated by scientists showing two mosques during Chingghis Khaan's time

Islam came from the Middle East as the last of three main monotheistic religions emanating from Arabia (present-day Saudi Arabia) from the Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah, born on the 17th [1]of Rabi Al-Awwal (Islamic Month) 570 [2]Common Era (C.E.) (Rashid, Hasson. J., 2021) in Makkah, Arabia (today called Saudi Arabia) and died on June 8, 632 C.E. (allaboutreligion., 2002-2021). Perhaps the most confused and misinterpreted religion today, according to anthropologist Professor Dr. Talal Asad (Asad, Talal., 2003; Bishop, James., 2021; Asad, Talal., 2017), is Islam albeit,

“The very name ‘Islam’ means “peace.” … The life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W.[3])  shows that neither he nor his progeny ever started an aggressive war for the propagation of Islam,” (Lalljee, Yousuf. N., 2003, p. 17).

In today’s world, Islam receives labels as ‘violent,’ ‘war-like,’ and often the word ‘terrorists or terrorism’ are used in the same sentence with Islam and Prophet Muhammad; in reality, its just the opposite as seen from many verses of the Holy Koran, where violence is the last resort to be used, where forgiveness of someone first unless if he or she inclines to war then there is no choice but war, and

            “… patience, restraint, justice and forgiveness are ideal virtues of the Muslim. 

For example, “Those who …. restrain anger and pardon (all) men; for Allah loves those who do good” (Chapter 3: 134 of Holy Koran); Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord (Chapter 3: 133 of the Holy Koran), …. Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just (Chapter 60: verse 8 of the Holy Koran),” (Lalljee, Yousuf. N., 2003, p. 17).

 If, Islam is the most, misunderstood religion as mentioned above (Asad, Talal., 2003; Bishop, James., 2021; Asad, Talal., 2017), then Jesus is the most misunderstood Prophet as well that is why he is expected, according to prophecies in both religions, for him to return to clear up these misunderstandings, for example, many Christians say that Jesus was crucified but in scriptures, Jesus himself said he was not: According to the King James Version of the Holy Bible, Chapter 20:17 (James, K., 2002), Jesus said to Mary Magdalene in the flesh a day after Romans told the Christians that they had allegedly crucified Jesus,

“Jesus saith unto her (Mary Magdalene) … I ascend unto my father and your father; and to my God, and your God,” (James, K., 2002, p. 55).

In, “The Gospel of Barnabas,” cited by E.P. Cotterell, in Vox Evangelica Journal,

            “Barnabas, who is called Matthias, who was substituted as an apostle in the place of Judas,” (Cotterell, F.P., 1977, p. 2).

What is the Gospel of Barnabas? “The Gospel of Barnabas is one of three, or more precisely four, writings associated with the name of Paul’s companion in the first part of his mission to the gentiles,” (Cotterell, F.P., 1977, p. 1).

The Holy Koran, Chapter 3 Ale Imran (The Family of Imran) verse 54 has Allah informing Prophet Muhammad that He (Allah) saved Jesus and he (Jesus) was never crucified when He said,

“Recall (O’ Our Apostle Muhammad) when God said: ‘O’ Jesus, I will take thee away and lift thee up unto Me; and purify thee of those that disbelieve, and make those who follow thee triumphant upon those who disbelieve, to the Day of Resurrection; then unto Me shall be your return and I will judge between you in what ye differ,” (Ali, S. V. Mir. Ahmed., 1988, p. 273).

One aspect of all Prophets is that they never question God, so when the Holy Bible cited in Mark 16: 34 that, on the cross allegedly ‘Jesus’ cried,

“MY God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Ali, S. V. Mir. Ahmed., 1988, p. 1868 -tafseer section) as stated, in the tafseer, “The crier was not in fact, Jesus the spirit of God but the one crucified in his stead,” (Ali, S. V. Mir. Ahmed., 1988, p. 1868). 

The likeness of Jesus was Judas who resembled Jesus as confirmed on page 217 cited in F.P. Cotterell’s The Gospel of St Barnabas (Cotterell, F.P., 1977, p. 4). When the Romans came in the dark, the plan was to seize Jesus having paid Judas 30 pieces of silver already for selling him out. Jesus whom he was supposed to be standing next to but since he resembled him, Judas was taken instead with his 30 pieces of silver in his pocket and crucified thus, in The Gospel of St Barnabas pp. 270-271, cited in F.P. Cotterell,

“… The Virgin (Jesus’ mother Mary), weeping, said: “tell me, my son, wherefore God, having given thee powers to raise the dead, suffered thee to die, to the shame of thy kinsfolk and friends, and to the shame of thy doctrine? For everyone that loveth thee hath been as dead.” Jesus replied, embracing his mother (that is being physically present after the so-called crucifixion in the flesh) said “Believe me Mother, for verily I say to thee that I have not been dead at all; for God hath reserved me till near the end of the world…” (Cotterell, F.P., 1977).

We know this too because at the last supper Jesus himself stated that one of you will betray me (he knew very well) (James, K., 2002).

[1] It should be noted that the Sunni sect in Islam believes it is the 12 of Rabi Al Awwal in the year of the Elephant in other words, even Islam had its own schism (discussed later on) where Sunnis and Shias disagree: while the majority of Sunnis believe it’s the 12th of Rabi Al Awwal; “...Twelver Shia Muslims on the other hand assert that Muhammad was born on the 17th of Rabi Al Awwal. It stands as a matter of ikhtilaf or disagreement,” (Rashid, Hasson. J., 2021). The word “Rabbi” means “spring” in Arabic and the word, “Al Awwal” means “first,” so loosely translated it would read, “The first Spring” but in actuality, the 3rd month of the Islamic lunar calendar (Ghaffar, Rida., 2019). 

[2] Ramadan, T. (2007). In the footsteps of the Prophet Lessons from the life of Muhammad. New York: Oxford University Press, p. 10.

[3] The initials S.A.W.W. stands for in Arabic, Sallallaho Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam meaning “peace of Allah (translates literally to “supreme being”) be on him and his progeny,” (Rizvi, Maulana Syed. Saeed. Akhtar., 1989, p. 2). 

Shintoism, Taoism, and Confucianism:

Shintoism, Taoism, and Confucianism:

           According to Dallen Nakamura (Nakamura, Dallen., 2020),

“Shinto, which means “the way of the Gods” or “Kami” (spirits), as they are referred to, is the oldest religion of the Japanese indigenous people. Shintoism dates back to around the sixth century B.C.E. …. The foundation of Shintoism is a belief in Kami: the spiritual elements of nature that exist in waterways, trees, mountains, and geographical regions. … Shinto encompasses all faiths. It is not really a religion per se, because there are no sacred religious texts or a founder. It is a way of being that is a spiritual communion between humanity and nature in the world…... The Japanese word for god, deity, divinity or spirit is KAMI. Kami are the holy forces, spirits, or phenomena that personify the Shinto religion…. The myths (or as stated in Anthropology, the sagas) were recorded in Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters) in 712 C.E., and later in 720 C.E. in the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan) (Nakamura, Dallen., 2020).

Japan’s Emperor at the end of World War II, made Shintoism, the official state religion (Fouberg, Erin. H., Murphy, Alexander. B., & De Blij, H.J., 2012, p. 214). The estimated adherents of Shintoism in Japan are between 105 and 118 million and most of them practice both Buddhism and Shintoism (Fouberg, Erin. H., Murphy, Alexander. B., & De Blij, H.J., 2012, p. 214). While the projected population of Japan by the end of 2020 was 126.48 million; [1] the fact is in 2022, Japan’s population is 125, 584, 839. [2]

            According to Candice Lucey, (Lucey, Candice., 2020), Taoism existed for,

“More than a thousand years before the birth of Christ (before the advent of Jesus Christ), the “philosophy of Taoism grew up from the peasant class during the Shang Dynasty,” (Lucey, Candice., 2020).

            Even the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) contends that, Taoism,

“….is a religion of unity and opposites; YING and YANG. The principle of Ying and Yang sees the world as filled with complementary forces-action and non-action, light and dark, hot and cold, and so on.

The Tao is not God and is not worshipped. Taoism includes many deities, that are worshipped in Taoist temples, they are part of the Universe and depend, like everything, on the Tao.

Taoism promotes:

-achieving harmony or union with nature.

-th pursuit of spiritual immortality.

-being ‘Virtuous’ (but not ostentatiously so).


Taoist practices include:


-Feng Shui.

-Fortune telling.

-Reading and chanting of scriptures,” (BBC., 2009).

Taoism is not just popular in China itself although it started in China (LaMeaux, E.C., 2022; Stacey, Aisha., 2012) but it shows a testament to applying anthropological aspects of religion can indeed, help humans to better understand their heritage and respect each other’s beliefs in the contemporary world. This cross-cultural analysis and application of empirical investigations and excavations helps studies on “tribe,” “Society.” or “Culture” so as to test hypotheses about the nature of society or culture,” (Kinzer, Heath., & Gillies, Judith. L., 2022).  From the philosopher Lao Tzu, at approximately 500 B.C.E., who is credited with having helped to establish the faith of Taoism, writing the book of Taoism called TAO TE CHING, his religion of Taoism (sometimes called Daoism) is now universally accepted (NationalGeographic., 1996-2022). Adherents today to Taoism (Daoism) today are estimated at.

“… 30 million to 300 million in China alone…. there are more than 30 million Taoists in Taiwan, Macau, and Hong Kong and smaller populations scattered through Vietnam, Korea, Laos, and Thailand,” (Stacey, Aisha., 2012, p. 1).

           Confucianism arises from a man called Kong Fu Zi or simply known to many as Confucius who lived from 551 B.C.E. to 479 B.C.E. (Fouberg, Erin. H., Murphy, Alexander. B., & De Blij, H.J., 2012, p. 215). Unlike Hinduism, Confucius taught about concepts of heaven, the existence of a soul and not reincarnation, of ancestor worship, sacrificial rites, and many of the customs with one’s ancestors who practiced Shamanism (Fouberg, Erin. H., Murphy, Alexander. B., & De Blij, H.J., 2012, p. 215).

[1] See https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/japan-population

[2] See https://population-pyramid.net/en/pp/japan

My wish is that people can respect each other's faith in tolerance and understanding and make peace! If you don't teach kids NOT to hate it will become a part of their lives


Can't be preaching to the Middle East about "peace," and "democracy" and not a single law is passed in the US congress against Islamophobia!


"How can we fight Islamophobia in America?

It’s clear that there has been a troubling rise in xenophobic political rhetoric, hate speech, and brazen incidents of violence against American Muslim, South Asian, and Arab communities in the United States. In the months following the peak of the Syrian refugee crisis, hate crimes against American Muslims tripled. In recent days, police in Fort Wayne, Indiana, has been investigating the execution-style murders of three young American Muslims. With demographic anxiety and political rhetoric fueling discrimination and hostility, the Ford Foundation—together with the New York Community Trust, the New York Foundation, and Philanthropy New York—hosted a discussion on “Confronting Islamophobia in America Today.” Leaders from the nonprofit, government, social service, and philanthropic sectors came together to discuss the major issues affecting these minority communities, and to strategize about how to advance inclusion. Here are some highlights from the day’s conversations.

We’re at risk of failing a generation of American Muslims

Participants agreed that discrimination and bigotry are worse for American Muslims today than they were in the months following 9/11. And as Linda Sarsour, executive director of the Arab American Association of New York, stressed, there is now a generation of young American Muslims who don’t have any reference to a pre-9/11 America, who only know and experience an America “that doesn’t love them, doesn’t embrace them, [and] doesn’t think they belong here.” If the “acceptable bigotry” we’re seeing continues—if more Americans don’t speak out against Islamophobia, and if policymakers and government continue to fall short in providing support for the community—we will fail this generation of young American Muslims.

Tackling anti-Muslim bigotry can’t be the only priority

Typically, we see the needs of American Muslims framed in one of two ways: in terms of national security reform, or anti-Muslim bigotry. Leaders are constantly stamping out prejudice-fueled fires, diverting attention and resources from equally pressing problems facing the community: issues like poverty, illiteracy, and the threat of deportation. Communities need an approach that addresses all of those issues, and resources to help develop the kind of educational and leadership programs that can build resilience amid conflict.

American Muslims’ identities are complex, and about more than being Muslim

At a time when most young Americans have the luxury of time to discover who they are, Muslim youth are often presumed to be representing their community, and bear the burden of responsibility that comes with that. Too often, that means other parts of their lives—everything from going to the movies to struggling with poverty—are invisible. “We always have to know what’s going on because we constantly need to justify or explain ourselves and our [Muslim] ideologies and beliefs,” said Hebh Jamal, a 16 year-old New York City high school student and member of the Arab American Association of New York (AANY). (Jamal was featured in a recent New York Times article on this issue and the psychological, emotional, and social toll of anti-Muslim bigotry on young American Muslims.)

Bigotry has roots in widely accepted policies

While terrorist attacks and global tensions unquestionably incite prejudice, there are other insidious drivers at work—namely, more than a decade of policies that officially sanction the marginalization of American Muslim communities. Official forms of discrimination pervade law enforcement, schools, and immigration policy, institutionalizing a system of bias that makes bigotry against Muslims acceptable in this country. As Fahd Ahmed, executive director of DRUM South Asian Organizing Center, powerfully argued, if the police are “indiscriminate against [American Muslim] communities, how can we expect the public to be any different?”

SOURCE: https://www.fordfoundation.org/news-and-stories/stories/posts/how-can-we-fight-islamophobia-in-america/ 

hatred of one Religion is hatred of all Religions. Hatred of one God is hatred of the same God in various languages: God, Yahweh, Jehovah, Jah, Allah, Elahi etc.

FREE YOUR MIND: STOP HATE its what this country was built on but it does not have to be what we become! European Immigrants in the 1600's FLEEING HATE in Europe sadly ended up creating HATE here Such as the Salem Witch trials, persecution of those who were different, and today Islamophobia. The GOD everyone prays to is the same ONE GOD just known by different names as Yaweh, Jehovah, Jah, God, Allah, Elahi, Supreme Being etc and the paths to HIM is different because of the many cultures and 124,000 Prophets sent to human kind from the first Prophet Adam(AS) born without a FATHER and MOTHER to the last Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (saww). Fear only GOD not man or beast for in the end we meet only GOD!