Sayyed aka "Abu Abbas" nickname of one's late dad gave to me Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Paternal (male/female bloodlines) Cousins PART A Photo 5 Maternal (female only bloodline) Cousins PART B Photo 6 Former Classroom Instruction Photo 7 Documenting MUN winnings of RAZI SCHOOL over 14 yrs of one's students Photo 8 Documenting MUN winnings of RAZI SCHOOL over 14 yrs of one's students Photo 9 Documenting MUN winnings of RAZI SCHOOL over 14 yrs of one's students Photo 10 TRAVELS TO THE MIDDLE EAST I Photo 11 TRAVELS TO THE MIDDLE EAST II Photo 12 COUSINS AND OTHER FAMILY RELATIVES I

The objective: To document one's heritage from one's own research, confirmation from one's grandparents, and DNA testing of Y Chromosome link to Chingghis Khaan. See page 3 for more.

Why one uses the term "kunya" or Arabic word for the "name derived from one's eldeest child (whether that child is born or not)," is a customary cultural part of the Arabian desert culture that goes back to over 5,000 years in the desert of Arabia not just Rub Al Khali or "empty quarter" of ABU ABBAS (Abbas refers to Lion) or ABU ZAINAB (Zainab refers to "beautiful and good")? One's late father used to refer to one as "ABU ABBAS" so one has kept it as a part of one's cultural name. That means in essence one's future son will be named Sayyed ABBAS and one's future daughter will be named Sayyeda ZAINAB. 

----One is an American but one's heritage is rich in culture & achievements: According to one's DNA Test administered by African Canadian Dr David Blunt one is:
1. Exactly 12.5 % Arab of Harb/Hashmin-(Y chromosome bloodline of Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah via Imams Jafar As-Sadeq & Reza buried in Mashhad, Iran) tribes;
2. Precisely 75 % Persian with a persian great grandfather linked to chingghis khaan & one's great grandmother; &
3. Concisely 12.5 % Mongol of the bloodline of Chingghis Khaan tribe of Borjigin Mongol tribe via Y Chromosome from one's paternal great grandfather.
One thanks the genetic lab for its work and unlike many family members one takes one's heritage, one's ancestors, and one's educational achievements seriously as a reflection of one's race (ARAB-PERSIAN-MONGOL). One a key note, one is descended from Imam Reza who's skin color was like that of Nubians like Imam Mahdi (AS) on one's paternal side and on one's maternal side, one's tribe (HARB) is mixed with Nubians from the lower eastern section of Egypt which has Swallowed up NUBIA. However, one does not say this because there is no proof, DNA testing as one has done for the Arab-Persian-Mongol sides so one uses the term "religious heritage of Nubians." Holy Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (saww) said "Do not harm the dark skinned people of southeast Egypt for they are kin (family)." Its ironic, the Holy Prophet (SAWW) said this before the birth of Imam Mahdi (AS) the awaited savior of humankind who will be of European blood (his mother was a direct descendant of Ceasar of Ancient Rome) and Black from his father's side (Imam Al Askari (AS) who's mother was Nubian).

--On a professional level, one has taught for 36 years (aqs of 2023) nationally/internationally. 

36 Years teaching young minds! 

AP College Board accepted Teacher for 4 AP courses:


Formulated lesson plans and derived materials from Colleges and Universities from Penn State University (PSU) (2008) to Columbia University (2007) to GCU (2008) to UOG (1988) all Universities

i have attended and but graduated from UOG, GCU, and seeking to complete my Ph.D studies in Sociology from AIU by transfering to another University when settled. 

I have taught successfully for 19 years (albeit one's resume shows from 2004-2020), Teaching New York State Regents based classes in:

1. Grade 8 Social Studies (until it was terminated by the DEO (Department of Education of the State of New York);

2. Global History and Geography II Regents class;

3. U.S. History and Government Regents class. 

NOTE: Feel free to check with AL Iman & Razi School and you will see that I have had a 98% passing in all the years teaching Regents classes. 

I have also experience lecturing at Community College (at a Christian Community College) in:

1. Management of Business;

2. Economics;

3. Sociology. 

I have also taught for 5 years since 2015 at COPO/SONYC (Community working with NYPD(New York State Police Department)) courses in the afternoons (title: Special Activity Teacher) in:

1. Debating course;

2. Journalism course;

3. Model United Nations (junior Class, Advanced-Intermediate Classes & Crisis Model UN Class). 

United Nations Membership with UNA-USA and as a MUN Advisor for Al Iman School & Razi School:

My students in Al Iman also won Awards. 

My students in Razi School won specifically, 84 awards over 14 years of instruction and attending Model United Nations domestic and international. 

Currently, a Professor of Sociology at Erie County Community College (EC3PA):

1. Sociology courses 101-8B1 Introduction to Sociology and 211-DD1 Racial and Ethnic Minorities. 


One's Citizenship and Heritage: U.S. Citizen who's concern is for one's country as its heading in the wrong direction-totally away from what the founding fathers wanted for the Republic.

—-One's hobbies are varied from traveling, to doing Art to appreciating Art, museums, coffee shops, reading, social media, sports - especially hockey although an American; one practically grew up in Canada going to high school and university (undergrad and having worked there before) as one's late American father sent oneself to schools in Canada (High School and University), one has always appreciated a great hockey game; baseball; ping pong; badminton; volleyball; & watching car racing or spectator sports.

--- One is a registered member of a national party represented in one's U.S. Govt and one may not agree with others politically or religiously but one will defend the rights of others to voice their views/religious views once they cause no harm or deaths to others (if the latter views do not cause harm, cause deaths, or create hate which leads to violence to any of one's fellow law-abiding fellow-Americans). One remains committed to one's party and one's 1st and 2nd Amendments Rights and won't trade those rights for anything or anyone.

----One is an American but one's heritage is rich in culture & achievements: According to one's DNA Test administered by African Canadian Dr David Blunt one is 12.5% Arab of Harb/Hashmin-(Y chromosome bloodline of Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah via Imams Jafar As-Sadeq & Reza buried in Mashhad, Iran) tribes; 65% Persian; & 12.5% Mongol of the bloodline of Chingghis Khaan tribe of Borjigin Mongol tribe via Y Chromosome from one's paternal great grandfather. 

—-One is single, never been married, no wife, no girlfriend, and no kids that one knows of , and one lives alone.

---HATE and ISLAMOPOHOBIA and ANTISEMITISM are REAL in the United States of America just as they were for Jews of Adolf Hitler’s Germany (no difference): One has been savagely attacked by 3 arrogant race hating American punks when one lived at one’s aunt’s house towards Long Island, New York, standing up with blood all over one’s T-Shirt, one’s attackers ran scared. Second, time one has been threatened 6 times since 9/11 including a New Yorker European American setting her Pitbull against oneself but luckily one used one’s umbrella to defend oneself however, one was sad for the Pitbull’s jaw! Unlike other Moslems, Christians, and other people of faith, ONE’s MONGOL BLOOD DOES NOT FORGIVE or hold hands and sing songs of forgiveness in a Church clapping and dancing or as stated in Islam "if they incline towards peace, forgive them!" One doesn’t forgive either; one gets even by hoping there is some justice at the end of the day and that is from Jesus’ return for them with a vengeance & the awaited Black Imam Mahdi (AS)! Any religion telling you to "forgive your enemies" was infact, created by your enemies. Our Mongol Ancestors said it best: "Your enemy will know he/she is defeated when you are holding their children in your hands," Chingghis Khaan who DID NOT FORGIVE HIS ENEMIES! What one must do is NOT become like my enemies nor give up on one’s peaceful religion of Shia Islam from attacks, NOT give up on one’s prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah's (saww) teachings who faced stones thrown at him by ignorant arrogant pagan Arabs at his time and had to flee Makkah from these pagan Arabs, to Ethiopia where Christians heard of his belief in the oneness of GOD (first of the 10 Commandments and his support for his distant cousin Jesus of Nazereth, Palestine) NOT give up on the justice promise by God to send Jesus back to slay evil doers including Dajjal ("the entity that carried a symbol of an eye overlooking a pyramid." Jesus even mentioned to Christians he is going to return with a vengeance as stated in Matthew of the Holy Bible Jesus is "coming for them with a sword," not to have tea, not to forgive, but to brutally crush by the enemies of God and haters. In Matthew of the Holy Bible (King James version) he (Jesus) said "They will persecute you from city to city until the coming of the son of man," Jesus never called himself a "god" or "son of a god" or "daughter of a god" but he referred to himself as "the son of man." as Matthew clearly documents. Ameen. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

--It is ironic both of one's ancestors faced tribulations from the Holy Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (saww) who fled to Ethiopia to seek refuge from pagan Arabs who wanted him dead; and one's Mongol ancestor Chingghis Khaan who was tortured by a tribe who took him and betrayed by his own people yet, triumphed in the end by the grace of Tengri (mongol name for God that exists everywhere) they both Trumphed! So, no one should be complaining when the best leaders faced tribulations and survived by their determination, perservance, and dedication to justice and freedom. 

--Currently, one intends on saving up for the $7,000.00 one owes one's University since one is labeled as "WHITE" in the US census not a minority and one does not get a scholarship because of Affirmative Action (Naturally one does NOT support Affirmative Action but equal opprotunity to compete) currently one posses 33 A’s and 3 B’s at AIU on an accelerated program from 2021 July -2024 June (anticipated paying off of one's debt to AIU of $7,000.00). 

---After much consideration and as a Republican for 40 years now one has decided to join the Libertarian Party of the USA because the current Republican Party has lost its true principles, loyalty to the people as Thomas Jefferson taught as a Democratic Republican party member, and has lost contact with the American people by favoring foreign entities and interest groups while being loyal dogs to the establishment of the elites. 

Advice of one's late Grandfather Sayyed Farzan "Always try to do good because in the end bad actions comes back to us."

In one's former classroom.

One's Homepage of

It is one’s contention that the multitude of societal problems that existed in the past, save for the primitive mode of living where human lifestyles and existence were simpler, and continue to exist in each epoch thereafter, exists because of the actions of humans themselves (McMurtry, John., 2016). To make this idea simple and to add credibility to it, perhaps its useful to focus on what Karl Marx, the Sociologist stated, cited from one’s former Professor John McMurtry ‘sclass on The Structure of Marx’s World View, in the beginning of his textbook with the same title: “Man creates only so many problems that he can solve,” (McMurtry, John., 2016). One personally believes that problems are solvable but there exist obstacles thatwill deter others from finding solutions and thus instead of ending the problems altogether by finding solutions, they are prolonged or ‘managed.’ Such obstacles include the positions of the ruling classes in all societies today, takes to, “prevent ideas contrary to its interests from reaching effective public consideration,” (Hudelson, Richard., 1979, p. 481). While one is clearly not a Marxist; one does in fact, subscribe to the Weberian perspective in Sociology however, it’s crucial to understand that Max Weber was influenced by Karl Marx in appreciating his class analysis but Weber was no Marxist (Giddens, Anthony., Duneier, Mitchell., Appelbaum, Richard. P. & Carr, Deborah., 2017, pp. 198-199).  Society must ask itself the question, how come these problems as poverty, homelessness, gender inequality, the U.S. incarceration rate over its war on drugs, a lack of freedoms including freedom of speech in many societies today, and Global Warming consequences, exist but details about them are being excluded and solutions for such problems‘managed’ than solved? The answer lies not just in Karl Marx’s analyses but coupled with Weberian analysis of those problems.


---Giddens, Anthony., Duneier, Mitchell., Appelbaum, Richard. P. & Carr, Deborah.

(2017). Essentials of Sociology (6 ed.). New York City, New York, USA: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. Retrieved June 5, 2023

---Hudelson, R. (1979, July ). Reviewed work: The Structure of Marx's World View. The Philosophical Review, 88(3), 481-483.

Retrieved June 5, 2023, from

---McMurtry, J. (1978). The Structure of Marx's Worldview. Princeton, New Jersey, USA: Princeton University Press. Retrieved June 5, 2023. 

One cannot be like the former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who said: Mike Pompeo under the Trump Administration, who claimed that, “Woke-ism, multiculturalism, all the -isms-they’re not who America is. They distort our glorious founding and what this country is all about….,” (Haltiwanger, John. 2021), Ironically Mike Pompeo is himself Italian American (that makes him a part of the Multi-cultural Society of America that he is claiming "does not exist").

Not only does Van Bart Steenburgen’s words correct the ignorant view of former Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo but it establishes the kind of acceptance new immigrants who become United States (U.S.) citizens seek so as, to empower them to solve problems within their own communities in the U.S. “…Multicultural societies like Switzerland and the United States demonstrate that a political culture by no means has to be based on all citizens sharing the same language or the same ethnic and cultural origins. Rather the political culture must serve as the common denominator for a constitutional patriotism. This sharpens an awareness of the multiplicity and integrity of different forms of life which coexist in a multicultural society,” (Steenbergen, Bart Van. 1996, p. 7). Those who hold a myopic view of Multi-culturalism fail to observe the current census of 2020 (Census, 2020; Collinson, Stephen., 2021) which has already predicted that European Americans will become a minority by the next census with competitions from Asian and Hispanic Americans whose populations are exploding. To clarify this even further,“The Multicultural population was measured at 9 million people in 2010 and is now 33.8 million people in 2020, a 276% increase,” (Census, 2020), now that’s multi-culturalism. How does all this translate into solving societal problems and how does the Immigrant- born American citizens help America’s economy and deal with its social problems? The answer lies in Suketu Mehta’s book, THIS LAND IS OUR LAND-AN IMMIGRANT’s MANIFESTO, cited in the website under the title, We Do not Come Empty-Handed: The Economic Case for Immigrants,“Immigrants are 14% of the U.S. population, but they started a quarter of all new businesses and earned over a third of all the Nobel Prizes in science given to those affiliated with U.S. Universities. One of four U.S. tech companies established from 1995 to 2005 had an immigrant founder, CEO, President or Chief technology officer, and by one analysis about 71% of Silicon Valley tech workers are immigrants…... In 2008, Bill Gates stated before Congress that for every tech worker the country lets in, five American jobs are created. Over half of all billion-dollar tech startups have an immigrant founder…. “(Mehta, Suketu., 2019).How does this help solve some of America’s social problems? It will relieve homelessness, it will secure funds for Social Security, and it will provide foreign born educated outside and within the United States with Professors, or Instructors, and High School Teachers, in the classroom as one’s former place of employment,“Immigration reduces the social security deficit by hundreds of billions of dollars; the greater the number of immigrants we let in to work and pay into the system, the more likely retirees are to not have to open cans of dog food for their dinner, “(Mehta, Suketu, 2019). One of the obstacles one referred to previously was that, “For Africans, Native Americans, Latinos, and many Asian Immigrants, the United States has been resistant to their assimilation into the dominant culture, regardless of their education level or socio-economic status,” (Guest, K.J., 2016, p. 168). Poverty is defined in three general ways,First, biological poverty which is, “poverty so severe that it deforms or kills people through malnutrition or starvation. Biological poverty also refers to housing and clothing so inadequatethat people suffer from exposure, “(Henslin, James. M., 2020, p. 181). Second, relative poverty, which, “refers to comparing people’s standards of living and seeingthat some people are worse or better off than others, “(Henslin, James. M., 2020, p. 181). This is very much like keeping up with the Jones, an idea that originated from a cartoon in the 1920 (Roth, J.D., 2020).