36 years of Teaching Nationally/Internationally: here are some pictures
one's Travel pics in the Middle East are on a page by itself but one does not have pictures from Teaching in Europe & the Caribbean & Canada : only pics in the US classrooms
One's Professional statement as regards one's instruction:
One brings to the classroom or lecture hall, 36 years instructional experiences (Socratic Method); appetite for studies; drive for excellence; passion for teaching Sociology; classroom management skills (contract with consequences for grades/class attendance if breached) between the student/instructor and each other/fellow-classmates during controversial topics: race, religion, gender, family, and politics in essence, tolerance in education. One’s instruction embraces openness, freedom to grow intellectually for students/staff members, to discuss issues affecting one’s American society, will be enhanced by one’s training/education in Sociological studies/research methods. “Man creates only so many problems he can solve,” (McMurtry, John., 1978) thus problems America faces are created by America/can be solved by America. Socratic method, is pro-active/pro-inclusive method with knowledgeable instructors embracing Multi-culturalism. An instructor ought to encourage students towards altruist/moral guidance including good civic responsibility. One opposes Eurocentrism or Afrocentrism or any superior thinking as Professor Dr. T. Asad criticized Marx for being Eurocentric (Asad, Dr. Talal, 1979, abstract) Marx forgot Arabian civilization preceded European civilization. One’s lessons must be objective regardless of the religion, race, ethnicities, or nationalities of any group under study. One’s international travels to over 27 countries, contacts with cultures, as a teacher/former Investigative Reporter for 12 years in Europe/the Middle East, have educated oneself in cultural appreciation beyond the textbook. Part of proper classroom management is the contract mentioned earlier: ensures respect for race, religion, political views, gender, nationality and so on. Furthermore, students can expect a rubric, to know how they are to be graded on assignments/projects.
Most of all, instructors ought to make lectures interesting/encourage students to conduct their own research, develop analytical thinking guided not fed by the instructor. The best instructor must be patient with one's students/be able to explain in detailed, with valid references/with a compassion for the course. One encourages reading, researches, data collection via pilot projects/questionnaires/application of data to the real world thus facilitate problem solving (Singaravelu, Dr. G., 2006, p. 263). When August Comte (1798-1857) first coined “Sociology” studying the French Revolution (Igwe, Ijeoma & Odii, Aloysius., 2020, p. 67) he opened up a new social science for all to solve problems. Use of technology is of utter most importance in one’s classroom: smartboard, Global Classrooms and zoom in post march 2020 as used and skype. According to Professor Furr, the pandemic/subsequent lockdown, made …. Americans, “…developed expertise in Zoom, Facetime, Skype, and other/s…..” Furthermore, one’ collaborative efforts/interdepartmental collaboration (former Dean of Studies of a Community College/former Head of the Sociology/Social Studies Department) proves one is adjustable (Roller, Shelby., 2020).In conclusion, Teachers are not merely instructors in a classroom environment; they are role models, who ensures the lecture hall is safe, conductive to learning, inviting of questions/discussions within allotted lesson time. Having made positive impact in New York as former students are in various professions; one will have a positive impact. Education must be inclusive, respective of cultural differences, must promote respect and be a positive change to improve society, as Socrates wanted. One’s 35 yrs (2yrs at a Christian Community College) of instruction in addition, to one's own personal drive for excellence in grades, completing projects on time, and gaining the admiration of one's Professors is a role model for Durham tech students. Indeed, it is one's personal intention to see America's students become more competitive nationally/globally. The current American society faces huge problems/best solutions are for Sociologists to work together towards analyzing/coming up with feasible solutions. Mankind creates problems he can solve (McMurtry, John., 1978). Why one remembers this from one’s own Professor McMurtry after 35 years ago? That’s effective instruction. For one’s students, it should not be a class to attend but a life changing experience.
Clementine, H. (2020). Why Socrates Sentenced to Death? . Retrieved from Https://www.mathladyhazel.mediujm.com : https://mathladyhazel.medium.com/why-socrates-sentenced-to-death-b2af67072632
Furr, A. (2020). Sociology Professor discusses effects of pandemic on Society, interaction. Retrieved from Https://www.ocm.auburn.edu: https://www.ocm.auburn.edu/experts/2020/05/051452-effects-pandemic-society.php
Igew, I. &. (2020). Https://www.researchgate.net. Retrieved from Research Methods and key Issues in Sociological Research. : https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342343838_Research_Methods_and_Key_Issues_in_Sociological_Research
Mares, M. (2018). The Classical Educational Concepts of Socrates, Plato & Aristotle. Retrieved from Https://www.researchgate.net/: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327161022_The_Classical_Educational_Concepts_of_Socrates_Plato_Aristotle
McMurtry, P. J. (1978). Structure of Marx’s World View. Princeton University.
Roller, S. (2020). Two Sociology Professors Teach Course that Examines Impacts of COVID-19 on Society. . Retrieved from Https://www.college.georgetown.edu: https://college.georgetown.edu/news-story/two-sociology-professors-teach-course-that-examines-impacts-of-covid-
Singaravelu, D. G. (2006). Singaravelu, Dr. G. (2006). Role of Teachers National Seminar on Higher Education in 21st Century. Retrieved from Https://www.researchgate.net : Singaravelu, Dr. G. (2006). Role of Teachers in Higher Education. Cited in National Seminar on Higher Education in 21st Century. Unihttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/351603685_Role_of_Te
Studies., C. f. (2021). The Trial and Death of Socrates. New york City, New York: Columbia University.
XoticBrands. (2020). Philosophical differences between Plato and Socrates. Retrieved from Https://www.xoticbrands.medium.com: https://xoticbrands.medium.com/5-philosophical-differences-between-plato-and-socrates-9980543ed7e3
One believes in civic responsibility for every U.S. Citizen and even for Legal Immigrants
This is only a section of one's former classroom. Since one's area is Social Studies, Global History and Geography, U.S. History and Government, and Sociology as well as U.S. Government and Politics then its imperative for one's classroom to have a huge American flag as existed in classrooms prior to the Civil War; a map of the world and a map of the United States; an outline map of world history; and historical figures, events, and facts that shaped one's nation from the founding fathers, documents which are unique in the world such as the U.S. Constitution as a Republic not a democracy (for in a Democracy one can find a dictatorship, like Oliver Cromwell of England or Adolf Hitler who rose to power without the bullet but the ballot). Instead proudly stated one's Constitution (Article 2 ) prevents a dictatorship by restricting the President through checks and balances, by demanding he/she addresses Congress and plead his/her case for War or actions that will seriously affects one's nation or drive it closer to World War III. Then the Declaration of Independence of Thomas Jefferson; keep in mind the uniqueness of the U.S. Constitution as mentioned above by the Father pf the U.S. Constitution James Madison; and the economic brains by a foreign born founding father, Alexander Hamiliton (who suggested a national bank, consolidating all debts of all 13 colonies in one, printing of money, and a unified country based on sound trade and competition) and of course Benjamin Franklin who's famous words still stand "join or die" suggesting if we do not unite as a nation we will perish and this is relevant today as it was back then when founding father Benjamin Franklin said it.
Benjamin Franklin's famous words "join or die."
ONE’s TEACHING PHILOSOPHY by Sayyed ‘Abd AL-Mahdi Musawi B.A. (Guelph, Canada), M.Ed. (GCU, USA), Doctoral Candidate in Sociology (AIU, USA).
One’s Teaching philosophy has been developed over the last 35 years of teaching and it embodies a Socratic method of instruction, an inclusive method of instruction, supportive of a multi-cultural setting for instruction, and one in which the materials presented in lectures are not bias, not Euro-centric, not Afro-Centric, or not portraying any group or culture/instruction as superior to all others. An instructor must be Knowleable about his/her course such as Sociology, be able to draw reference to the contemporary sources and comparisons, enable lectures to be inclusive rather than following the rules of Plato who believed that the truth is only for “…the selected few, the intellectually higher class,” 1 that freedoms are crucial in any given society 2, that morality 3 and civic responsibility indeed knowledge and justice 4 are most important in the learning experiences of all students.
When one walks into one’s classroom one is excited, positive thinking, and one transcends this to students knowing that the environment is conductive to learning, safe, and knowing that their questions will be answered, in an inclusive forum that will respect their views while guiding them to develop their own perspectives not fed by the instructor. In a Socratic method of instruction, one must remember from history that Socrates was punished and sentenced to death for allowing his students to develop their own independent critical thinking and to empower their level of consciousness. 5 It is crucial today, for the instructor to be more open-minded, be very careful about what message he or she is sending to students, and to be conscious indeed culturally sensitive while dispensing materials and perspectives in any given lecture hall. To be true to the Socratic method of teaching, the Instructor must embrace activities, teaching strategies, that range from scaffolding so as to be supportive of students seeking to proceed in a project or understand a concept; to ensure repetition or rote learning is applied so that concepts are understood clearly and concisely; to use prompting in order to seek answers and critical thinking from students; to apply differentiation so that the instructor can change his or her style of teaching to accommodate all kinds of learners; to ensure pop quizzes and tests are not impossible to achieve high scores on them but to show students that they can master pop quizzes and tests by adding hints and guidance to the lessons; by applying visual aids or media or method to induce cognitive skills or Higher order of thinking as students are challenged to think ‘outside the box’ so to speak; and for students to role play either through Moots, debates, or critical discussions as they develop their own level of consciousness.
- (2020). 5 Philosophical differences between Plato and Socrates. Retrieved on October 18, 2021 at https://xoticbrands.medium.com/5-philosophical-differences-between-plato-and-socrates-9980543ed7e3
- , 2020.
- , 2020.
- Mares, Martin. (2018). The Classical Educational Concepts of Socrates, Plato & Aristotle. University College London. Retrieved on October 18, 2021 at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327161022_The_Classical_Educational_Concepts_of_Socrates_Plato_Aristotle
- Clementine, Hazel. (2020). Why Socrates Sentenced to Death? Retrieved October 18, 2021 at https://mathladyhazel.medium.com/why-socrates-sentenced-to-death-b2af67072632
A Teaching philosophy must never alienate students, must never seek to demean or discourage students but always offer a positive mental attitude (PMA) and a high degree that the work and projects in the course are achievable. An instructor ought to encourage students towards altruistic and moral guidance including good civic responsibility. After all higher education’s goal should be to improve society as Socrates wanted hence his support of freedom, openness, empowerment of the youth to have a positive impact and not be limited by class, social status, or even, race or ethnicity.
One’s support for universal enlightenment and to uplift the level of consciousness of all, especially those seeking a university or college education and indeed higher education because they will be the vanguard of creating a better society. In the legacy of Socrates, no student should be limited from their goals and aspirations. Instruction must reflect the limitless opportunities that all humans have and the possibilities to do exceptionally well.
Most of all, instructors ought to make lectures interesting and encourage students to conduct their own research as well. One comes from a family of teachers who have taught at Elementary School, High School, and University. Thus, family gatherings are always comparing various teaching methods, discussing students who are motivated and have succeeded while sharing of ideas on instruction, strategies, classroom management and discussion of materials delivered. As a consequence, the profession has inspired one from an early age of the importance, and need for relevance in contemporary society because students today question the relevance, quite rightly, of their education to the work force, to applying meaning in their lives, and meeting their goals and expectations.
One’s contribution over the last 19 years in New York State has produced students who work at the United Nations today, who are Teachers, lawyers, Doctors such as Sara Hadi 1 and administrators even one’s former boss, Mrs. Aasma Mehdi, 2 was a former student in one’s class at a previous school 19 years ago.
In conclusion, Teachers are not merely instructors in a classroom environment; they are role models, who ought to ensure that the classroom or lecture hall is safe, conductive to learning, inviting of questions and discussions within time allowed for the lesson, and encourages research. One has always suggested to students who are about to go off to college to join study groups because discussions always help focus thoughts, ideas, and perspectives much clearer for one’s students to develop their own critical thinking processes. Education must be inclusive, respective of cultural differences, and must promote respect for perspectives and encourage positive change to improve society for the better exactly as Socrates wanted for the youth of Athens. 3
- https://www.mountsinai.org/profiles/sara-hadi
- https://www.caredash.com/doctors/aasma-mehdi-vtbcl
- Center for American Studies. (2021). The Trial and Death of Socrates. New York, New York: Columbia University.
Picture taken for the Year book in one's classroom shows students at work: There is no "FREE TIME" in one's classroom.
In the thesis statement of one's research paper published online on WHAT CAN ANTHROPOLOGY INFORM US ABOUT WORLD RELIGIONS COLLECTIVELY one stressed the respect for all religions, all races, and all ethnicities once they do no harm to a mass population e.g. commit genocide, illegal occupation, and acts of atricities leading to human rights abuses. The thesis read as follows: "Throughout human history, humankind, curious about their existence, their place in the Universe, and what happens to them after death, sought refuge in some form of religious beliefs, whether that is Shamanism of the past and first religion recognized by scientists on earth, to the contemporary religions of Buddhism, Hinduism, Daoism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam or those in between as Shintoism, Confucianism among others. In each case, humankind sought answers to questions, structured a belief system that matched their cultural and regional evolutions, and often structured a political system of social control and stability. "
Standing in front of the smartboard in one's former classroom
“According to the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion and Public Life (Pew Research), more than eight in ten people, or about 85 percent of the world’s population, identify with a religious group. About 95 percent of those people adhere to one of the religions (or one of its subgroups) …. the five most predominant religions globally (today) are Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism,” (Fairchild, Mary., 2021).
SOURCE: Fairchild, M. (2023, June 18). How Many Religions are there in the World? Retrieved June 18, 2023, from https://www.learnreligions.com: https://www.learnreligions.com/how-many-religions-are-there-in-the-world-5114658
Yearly participation in the Model United Nations (MUN) conferences and workshops for 19 yrs -this is just one certificate of participation
Organizations one has either belonged to or continue to belong to:
1. Honorary Member of the United Nations of Canada reference Mr. Peter Alford and Mr. Jim Potts;
2. United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA);
3. American Sociological Association (ASA);
4. Association of Mongolian Students in Canada (AOMSIC);
6. Republican National Committee (RNC) note I have left the Republican party
because they are too much linked to the establishment, care too much about funding foreign alliances,
and not concerned about the American people. In fact, the LIBERTARIAN PARTY is much more effective.
Looking forward to one's next school and contributions as an educator.
Without going in detail the United Nations need REFORM. The Security Council only works for the wealthy Nuclear superpowers of the west and its not guided by the principles of the United Nations or the Charter of the United Nations. It is guided by power, abuse of power, impunity for some nations to carry out atrocities and when exposed as in the case of Julian Assange, he or anyone else is jailed or persecuted himself for wexposing the persecution and atrocities. Recent actions of the ICC (International Criminal Court) in 2023 proved to the world that it needs reform as well when it sides with the interests of the west and not the world it represents. Finally, the General Assembly can commit to one country being created; but continues in 2023 to deny another country its birthpaper for 74 years now. This is why the United Nations, ICC, including the Security Council badly needs reform because its credibility is being lost every year.
Contact for Family members only: Sayyedmusawimanofprinciples@gmail.com
Images of family members and documents of one's portfolio are copyrighted.